
Our cardiologists and pulmonologists provide specialized care for your diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension. We provide a high level of evidence-based evaluation, 医疗管理, and supportive care that is unique to the region.

Regional Clinical Program (RCP) logo

The pulmonary hypertension program is designated a Regional Clinical Program (RCP), by the Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA).

获得这个称号, a program needs to demonstrate a commitment to providing expert-level care, proficiently evaluating patients based on published evidence-based guidelines and providing expert treatment of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare disease, but usually presents with common symptoms like shortness of breath and fatigue. As a result, patients are often diagnosed after they have reached an advanced stage of the disease. 综合评价, 有效的治疗策略, 专家医疗管理, and supportive care are important.

Our comprehensive and coordinated services

With advanced diagnostic and interventional treatment capabilities, our experienced clinical team provides care for you that meets your individual and unique needs.


You'll experience thorough evaluation through our clinic, including:

  • Assessment of the underlying disease and mechanisms causing elevated pulmonary artery pressures. This is an important step in determining the best treatment approach for you.
  • Coordination with you and your referring physician to gather a thorough medical history including a review of prior testing
  • Collaboration with other cardiology and pulmonary specialists to complete diagnostic testing ranging from blood work, 心电图(心电图), 肺功能检查, and echocardiography as well as more advanced tests such as invasive hemodynamic evaluation, computerized tomography (CT) scan, 核成像, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Medical management and supportive care

We use a multi-disciplinary approach for your care and 医疗管理, including:

  • Careful review and discussion about all your diagnostic testing and options for medical therapy
  • Thorough review of your current medications with a careful review of response to therapy
  • Discussion of available research and clinical trials to ensure well informed patient decisions and effective treatments
  • Effective management of a complex range of drug categories and delivery methods
  • Support if you require medication authorization or financial assistance
  • Specialized nurse care managers who are able to provide you support by phone
  • 转介至 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program or to a program closer to your home
  • 安排 姑息治疗服务 to assist with complex medical decisions and facilitate conversations about goals of your care
  • Collaboration with lung transplant programs if you require transplant surgery

View the 肺动脉高压门诊 team

Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group

The Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group will meet every other month beginning in January 2024. In the event of bad weather, a virtual option will be provided.

For more information or to register for the support group, please call 603-650-8070 and ask for the Nurse Care Manager, Deb Cantlin.